Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Quality Tools in Decision Making Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Quality Tools in Decision Making - Research Paper Example Since it is a fundamental instrument in the flourishing of associations, assessment and investigation of its experience, qualities and confinements other than applications and advantages are basic. Foundation of the instrument SWOT examination started from the exploration executed at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) from ‘60-‘70. The foundation to SWOT began from the need to set up why corporate determining fizzled. Fortune 500 organizations supported the exploration to figure out what should be possible concerning this disappointment. The Research Team comprised of Marion Dosher and Dr Otis Benepe among others. Everything started with the business-arranging pattern, which showed up initially at Du Pont in 1949. In ’60, every Fortune 500 business had a corporate guaging director or comparable and association of the broad range corporate organizers had risen in both the US and the UK. Be that as it may, a typical supposition sprung in the entirety of the organizati ons that business arranging looking like expanded range arranging was not operational, and was a costly resource in vanity. This was the period and stage when the associations began to grasp this model in the executives arranging (Dunne, Mard, Osborne, and Rigby, 2004). Qualities and shortcomings Strengths and shortcomings are constituents of inner variables of a business and, hence, structure huge preferences to the organizers in business. Qualities identify with the reasonable points of interest and other special skills, which can be used by the organization available. Shortcomings are the difficulties, which postpone the advancement of an organization in a specific pattern. To work profitably in this regard, the organization should coordinate its future objectives on its qualities, while dodging inclinations associated with the shortcomings of the organization (Houben, el at, 1999). The qualities of the criminal field can take various angles, for example, profoundly experienced a nd qualified faculty who offer lawful exhorts. Moreover, charging reasonable expenses for legitimate administrations can make a bit of leeway over the opponents. Sensible expenses for meeting or portrayal in court matters will attract customers to one’s firm subsequently filling in as quality. Customers are indispensable resources in the day by day activities of associations, accordingly, if very much rewarded can make a prevalent compatibility with them. On the off chance that associations get to assets for ventures, at that point current advancements become fundamental to enlist and qualified staffs can be utilized at moderate market rates and wages. In any case, shortcomings can begin from restricted access to venture assets to infuse in the business. This implies the association will be not able to receive present day advances or recruit profoundly qualified staffs. Another type of shortcoming is the absence of solid rivalry to associations; firms won't have the option to investigate innovativeness and development. Creation of unsatisfactory administrations presents long haul difficulties particularly if new firms are presented in the market. Low wages to laborers will spirit them prompting low yield of endeavors. This further outcomes to high work turn over because of absence of motivations. Mind channels from associations are negative difficulties to firms in light of the fact that the notoriety of the firm is polluted and administration arrangement will fall underneath standard (Hill and Jones, 2013). Basic employments of SWOT examination There are numerous employments of SWOT investigation in investigating the various conditions of an organization: this instrument frames a structure for perceiving and dissecting qualities, challenges,

Saturday, August 22, 2020

insider essays

insider expositions A performance of 1995 occasions where the tobacco business supposedly concealed evidence that nicotine is addictive and hurtful. At the point when Brown and Williamson official Jeffrey Wigand (Crowe) attempts to uncover the business' concealment, he is compromised into quiet. He in the long run gets his story to an hour maker Lowell Bergman (AL Pacino), yet CBS rules against airing it because of political and monetary weights, and the danger of claim from Brown and Williamson. Before we start, I believe it's significant that you know an easily overlooked detail about me, and what I'm accustomed to. I do smoke. However, I accept that a large portion of the claims recorded against the tobacco business are unwarranted, frantic endeavors for individuals to accuse anybody yet themselves. I think government managed savings is a security net for the monetarily reckless. I thought The Insider was an extraordinary film from a carefully diversion viewpoint (don't advance beyond me on this one!), and I delighted in it without a doubt. Russell Crowe is Jeffrey Wigand, a Brown and Williamson VP of Research and Development whose inner voice propels him to blow the whistle on the business. He guarantees that Big Tobacco has been concealing logical research that demonstrates nicotine is addictive and hurtful. The composing places a great deal of vitality into ensuring that Wigand is an adequately convoluted character, and one that we feel for. Certainly, he's not so much one-dimensional. At first, he does what the greater part of us would do in his position: he takes the cash and advantages that the organization offers him as a byproduct of quietness. All things considered, the person has a family to pay special mind to. Be that as it may, at that point Wigand is tormented over his inactivity, thinking about whether he should take a progressively forceful position with his possibly harming information. an hour maker Lowell Bergman, detecting a real issue underway, attempts to urge Wigand into talking. A vigorous Al Pacino, who battles to get the story broadcasting live, just to have I ... <!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Benefits of Continuing Education

Benefits of Continuing Education Benefits of Continuing Education Home›Informative Posts›Benefits of Continuing Education Informative PostsOther than the basic professional qualifications of a general career, the concept of continuing education is about participating in a lifelong learning process that engages both the theoretical aspect of one’s profession and the practical part. The world is constantly evolving with regards to technological and scientific discoveries. It means that among other things, there are by far too many new things to be learnt. Given the fact that there are still more discoveries being made, perhaps, learning should not at any point stop. In the mechanical engineering profession, for example, people are constantly discovering better engine configurations among other things with regards to efficiency and speed in automobiles. It means that professionals in the industry must be able to stay up to speed with the new theories and apply the knowledge in their work for better performance. For instance, in the aviation industry, there are new discoveries being made with regards to security and engine efficiency. The political scientists also have to continue education because new arguments are being shaped by new events in people’s daily lives. The health profession is not any different since there are new medicines and therapies being unveiled on a regular basis, and the fact that one has qualified to practice does not mean that they know everything. It is, thus, important for relatively all professions to continue education.As with any proposal, continuing education has numerous benefits for all professionals, including the health care professionals. In more ways than one, consumers require the very best at all times kinds of goods or services. It means that as a part of being relevant and useful to whichever category one works with, continuing education is mandatory for all professionals. From teachers, doctors, nurses, pilots, lawyers, political scientists, phil osophers to even litterateurs, the only way to be and to remain relevant and effective is to be up to speed with the changing needs and expectations of the consumers and the changing face of technology. This paper discusses the concept of continuing education both in general and specifically amongst health care professionals.Generally, education is considered to be a continuous process in which people are constantly learning new things within their respective fields. While in school, most courses focus on imparting the basic knowledge into the students so that they can think along the right lines and behave in accordance with the professional ethics (Institute of Medicine, 2011). It means that school only lays the foundation for a given profession by setting the students apart from the general population with regards to their understanding of the field, within which they intend to operate. Once out of the confines of school, professionals are expected to not only practice their trad e but also gain more knowledge in the field to make them better at what they do. That is why while most employers are attracted to first class honors, they often do not restrict themselves to such degree holders in their recruitment drives. They consider the kind of work one engages in after school, meaning that this is far more important than the years spent in the educational establishment. It means that it is generally important for professionals to spend time outside the system well with regards to learning more about their field of interest as opposed to being comfortable with what they have. The main justification for this attitude amongst employers is that what one learns while on their own is more likely to stick with them than what they learnt in the system. While in school, the motivation was to pass exams and yet outside, it is more about knowing what to do within the working area.Continuing education enables the professional to stay up to date with the changing technolog ies as well as the evolving needs and expectations of the consumers. Over the past few decades, science and technology have proven their dynamism, especially with regards to the speed at which new information is found. People at the top of scientific study in every field are constantly working to make the lives of others better in every aspect. In technology, new gadgets that make life better are being created on a very frequent basis. These include equipment that is used in the medical field, education, engineering and even the legal field. Generally, every profession is changing its face in light of the technological discoveries being made each day. It means that professionals must be up to date at all times to insure that they are able to provide their clients with the best practices for the best possible outcomes.Scientific evidence changes the way work is done. In the health care profession, calls for evidence-based practice have been rampant and pivotal in the courses on offer (Institute of Medicine, 2011). It means that scientific proof is often the best determinant of the best available professional practice. It can be applied in other fields as well, including engineering and aeronautics among others. Evidently, one needs to be in a learning mode if they are to learn about the new scientific studies that are being conducted all over the world. It basically implies that continuing education is the only way that one can be fully informed about any existing scientific evidence that have an impact on their practice.In the health care profession, there seems to be a gap between best practice and common practice. Common practice is largely outdated and often passed on from the tutors in class. Apparently, this is what the young professionals carry with them through their years of service. As a result, they are stuck in the past with regards to how they handle their patients. With the new discoveries being made in the field, it can be stated that these profe ssionals have to get out of their comfort zones and embrace the new methods within their respective fields. However, this cannot just happen, they have to get back out there and learn by whatever means available. On a general perspective, the tutors are not responsible for them being stuck in the past. Students are often given the kind of material that is relevant at the time, and the dynamism of a field of study implies the need to be on the lookout for new developments all the time. Thus, continuing education bridges the gap between the profession’s best practices and its common practices by insuring that the people involved are always up to speed and well-versed in the best practices.In the health care profession, there should not be a difference between patient care and the outcomes. The best practices, especially evidence-based ones, should be predictable with regards to the outcomes. It means that health care professionals should be able to do the right thing at all times if they are to give their patients the best care available. However, to do this, they must be knowledgeable with regards to the best health care practices at the time. In most cases, it would be assumed that they learnt all these while being at school. Nevertheless, knowing the health care profession, its dependence on evidence-based practice, and the dynamic nature of the medical sciences field, it follows that one would expect their health care providers to be at the forefront of information. Continuing education enables the professionals to carry out the right procedures and routines when dealing with their patients, thus insuring that the outcomes will be as expected.Scientific research is constantly being conducted in each field. The scientists of the world are currently committed to making the lives of the people better in every way. It means that they are always coming up with more effective ways of dealing with every human challenge. From fast cars to renewable energy and even fortified immunity, it has been seen that the scientific community is constantly outdoing itself. In the health care sector, machines are constantly invented to aid in the provision of quality health care. Such machines are complex in their operations and often require one to be trained thoroughly before they can use them safely and effectively. In some cases, it would be expected for the scientists to be the ones operating these machines, but it makes more sense for the health care professionals to be able to do it for themselves. It means that health care practitioners must always be on the lookout for any relevant inventions that are related to their field of work. For example, ophthalmologists should be able to use the most modern machines with regards to their field as opposed to sticking to the old methods that they learnt at school. Continuing education in this case enables the practitioner to be sufficient in their field so that they will not need to employ the services of technical personnel to operate machinery that is used in their specialty.Clinical practice must be able to meet the specific needs and expectations of the patients. It means that practitioners need to know these needs and expectations in order to insure that the services are appreciated. When a patient visits a health care provider, they expect to find a person who is thorough with regards to their knowledge about health issues. It is always reassuring for the patient to find a health care provider who has ample information on a wide range of health problems so that they can consult easily and more confidently. However, the health care field is constantly transforming with the changing landscape of the world. As people change their lifestyles and their diets, the health problems that they face also change. Moreover, with the easy access to information, people are also more knowledgeable as they research widely on their problems before seeking the opinion of a health care practitione r. Another major challenge to clinical practice is the rise of alternative medicine that is seemingly more efficient than the conventional one. All these challenges can be turned into the opportunity with the help of updated information. Practitioners can use the knowledge of their patients to learn more and to convince the patient of the best practices (Swansburg, 1995). For example, knowing all the available forms of alternative medicine would enable the professional to explain to the patient the benefits and demerits of each one so that they can make the best choice based on their specific situation. Continuing education, in this regard, enables the practitioner to know the right approach when handling a new condition as well as the right path to choose when weighing between alternative approaches to a condition. Furthermore, it can help reassure the patient that they know what they are doing and that they are in safe hands. Information, in this regard, is truly the key to many d oors.The legal aspect of health care is also dynamic so that what may be legal today may be termed illegal tomorrow. As the health sector gets more involved in policy making, the legal framework that dictates the regulatory laws within the profession is also likely to change. Considering the concept that the ideas of the ruling class are leading ideas and the fact that this class is constantly changing in world politics implies that the leading ideas are also prone to change frequently. It is, thus, important to be updated in the field in order to avoid being on the wrong side of the law. Therefore, continuing education is important since it enables the practitioner to know the rules and regulations that dictate how they conduct their practice.The objective of a good health care practitioner is to insure that their practice is geared towards safe and good quality care that is patient centric in its orientation (Swansburg, 1995). Generally, this would mean that the practitioner is ai med at meeting all of their patient’s needs in terms of health care. To do this, both effectively and efficiently, health care practitioners need to be fully conversant with the diverse needs and expectations of the patients. If, for example, a patient is diagnosed with a minor condition that can be considered a symptom of another more serious condition, the practitioner should be able to inform them of a need for more tests as opposed to not knowing this. Patients often do not know what is wrong with them and they need and expect their health care providers to take care of their health issues for them. That is why they take time out of their schedules to go through medical checkups. Continuing education would imply that the practitioner understands the diverse needs of the patients and is able to give them what they need without having to appear clueless at any given time.Continuing education is a concept that has driven the health care sector for a long time now. Professionals a re constantly encouraged to learn more as they practice their trade to insure that they remain relevant to their patients and colleagues. Considering the dynamic nature of the medical sciences field, it is very dangerous for professionals to lag behind in their education. The procedures and best practices are constantly being reviewed and improved for best outcomes, thus implying that the practitioners must be up to speed on the latest studies and data. With regards to technology, the new inventions and discoveries are meant to make the profession more efficient in health care and, thus, the practitioner must capitalize on this advantage by learning the most about them and knowing how to use them for the best outcomes. In the legal department, the knowledge of the developments protects one from getting into trouble with the law. The reason is that there is a considerable number of cases in which patients or their families sued their health care providers for negligence and bad pract ices that are contrary to their expectations and the law. It only highlights the importance of understanding the rules and regulations in the health care profession. While most people would assume that continuing education implies going back to school, it is important to note that it is not entirely so. Going back to school for more advanced education is good for one’s career development, but it is not the only way to stay up to speed with regards to one’s practice. Regular refresher courses, national and local professional meetings, seminars and workshops as well as professional periodicals and online media are all good ways of staying ahead within the health care profession. These methods are often sufficient to insure that the changing world does not leave a professional behind and make them irrelevant to their patients and colleagues.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Garret Hobart - McKinleys Influential Vice President

Garret Augustus Hobart (June 3, 1844- November 21, 1899) served only two years, from 1897-1899 as President William McKinleys Vice President. However, in that time he proved himself to be quite influential in his role, advising McKinley to have Congress declare war on Spain and being the deciding vote to take the Philippines as a US territory at wars end. He became the sixth vice president to die while in office. During his time in office, however, he earned the moniker, Assistant President.   Early Years Garret Hobart was born to Sophia Vanderveer and Addison Willard Hobart on June 3, 1844 in Long Branch, New Jersey. His father had moved there to open a primary school. Hobart attended this school before going to boarding school and then graduating first from Rutgers University. He studied law under Socrates Tuttle and was admitted to the bar in 1866. He went on to marry Jennie Tuttle, his teachers daughter.   Rise as a State Politician Hobart quickly rose in the ranks of New Jersey politics. In fact, he became the first man to head both the New Jersey House of Representatives and the Senate. However, due to his extremely successful law career, Hobart had no desire to leave New Jersey to become involved in national politics in Washington, D.C. From 1880 to 1891, Hobart was the head of New Jerseys Republican Committee, advising the party on which candidates to put into office. He did, in fact, run for the US Senate a few times, but he never put his full effort into the campaign and did not succeed ​to the national scene.  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹ Nomination as Vice President In 1896, the Republican National Party decided that Hobart who was relatively unknown outside the state should join William McKinleys ticket for the presidency. However, Hobart according to his own words was not overjoyed with this prospect as it would mean having to leave his lucrative and comfortable life in New Jersey. McKinley ran and won on the platforms of the Gold Standard and a protective tariff against perennial candidate William Jennings Bryan.   Influential Vice President Once Hobart won the vice presidency, he and his wife quickly moved to Washington, D.C., and leased a home on Lafayette Square which would earn the nickname, the Little Cream White House. They entertained at the home quite often, taking over the traditional duties of the White House. Hobart and McKinley became fast friends, and Hobart began visiting the White House to advise the president quite frequently. In addition, Jennie Hobart helped take care of McKinleys wife who was an invalid.   Hobart and the Spanish-American War When the USS Maine was sunk in Havana Harbor and trough the poison pen of yellow journalism, Spain was quickly laid to blame, Hobart found that the Senate over which he presided quickly turned to talk of war. President McKinley had tried to be cautious and moderate in his approach with Spain after the incident. However, when it became apparent to Hobart that the Senate was prepared to move against Spain without McKinleys involvement, he convinced the president to take the lead in the fight and ask Congress to declare war. He also presided over the Senate when it ratified the Treaty of Paris at the end of the Spanish-American War. One of the provisions of the treaty gave America control over the Philippines. There was a proposal in Congress that the territory be given its independence. However, when this ended in a tied vote, Hobart cast the deciding vote to keep the Philippines as a US territory.   Death Throughout 1899, Hobart suffered from fainting spells related to heart problems. He knew the end was coming and actually announced that he retired from public life in early November. On November 21, 1899, he passed away at home in Paterson, New Jersey. President McKinley attended Hobarts funeral, a man he considered a personal friend. New Jersey also went into a period of mourning to commemorate Hobarts life and contribution to the state.   Legacy Hobarts name is not widely recognized today. However, he was quite influential during his time as vice president and showed what power could be exerted from that position if the president chooses to rely on their advice.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Dear Parents Of Lowell High School - 1584 Words

Dear Parents of Lowell High School, â€Å"My parents don’t care about my education† is something you hear from a lot of students. If you ask them why they would say such a thing, they might say â€Å"My parents are too busy at work† or â€Å"My parents just don’t have the time†. Sometimes this is not actually the case; it is not that parents do not care about how their child does in school, it is just that they do not know how to show that they are concerned. Parents are unsure how to react to their children’s academic performance, or what to say when there is something wrong at school. Since parents are always clueless to their child’s school life, they should get more involved with and become more aware of their child’s education. One problem that students face is that their parents only praise or reward their children when they get high grades. One example of this is evident in Doing School by Denise Clark Pope. Kevin Romoni, a student at Faircrest High, always aims to get high marks. He says, â€Å"My goal is a 3.7 or higher†¦ My dad will give me fifty bucks if I get it-even though 50 bucks isn’t really that much†¦ Do I have any other goals?† (Pope 11). To Kevin, the fifty dollars is one of his only goals in order to do well in school. However, this behavior seen by Kevin’s dad is actually affecting his development. According to Jim Taylor Ph. D. on Psych Today, children who were often praised or rewarded â€Å"more cautious in their responses to questions, had less confidence in theirShow MoreRelatedEssay Edgar Allan Poe3220 Words   |  13 Pagesjoyless existence carved out by his writings is one of lost love, mental anguish, and the premature withering of his subjec ts. Poe wrote in a style that characterized the sufferings he endured throughout in his pitiful life. From the death of his parents while he was still a child, to the repeated frailty of his love life, to the neuroses of his later years, his life was a ceaseless continuum of one mind-warping tragedy after another. From the very dawning of his existence, Edgar Allan Poe livedRead MoreFactors Affecting the Learners’ Achievement in the Alternative Learning System (Als) Programs15448 Words   |  62 PagesFACTORS AFFECTING THE LEARNERS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN THE ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM (ALS) PROGRAMS A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School St. Peter’s College Iligan City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management by AVEMAR TODIO GONZAGA March 2010 APPROVAL SHEET This thesis entitled â€Å"FACTORS AFFECTING THE LEARNERS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN THE ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM (ALS) PROGRAMS† prepared and submittedRead MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words   |  102 Pagesthe oppressed brown people of the world and hated his father for mistreating his Mexican employees. Witnessing his fathers tyranny made Langston sick enough to require hospitalization. By the end of the summer, Langston was glad to return to school in the United States. On the journey to his mothers house in Cleveland, Ohio, he recognized he was back in his native land when a white man in the trains diner car refused to eat at the same table with him, and a fountain clerk in St. Louis refusedRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagescan I invigorate those who feel outdated and left behind?† â€Å"How do I help the ‘survivors’ of a downsizing pick up the pieces and move on?† â€Å"How do I help people with very different agendas and philosophies work together, especially during periods of high stress and uncertainty?† Anyone tempted to dismissively argue that the answers to these questions are â€Å"common sense† would do well to recall Will Rogers’ pithy observation: â€Å"Common sense ain t common.† In addition, the research reported in the Introduction

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Running Head Multinational Corporation Free Essays

General motors is a multinational corporation that was begun in 1908 by William Durant.   It has ever since extended its services to several foreign countries including Mexico. It is the world’s largest known company for manufacturing of automobile (Cray Chrome 1980). We will write a custom essay sample on Running Head: Multinational Corporation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Its outstanding business activities in Mexico are among others, provision of high quality Products in order to remain competitive in the global economy.   The leaders in General Motors have also invented business plans that enable them to reduce the costs of the   Intensive engineering, prototyping as well as tooling activities they operates in Mexico (http://www.gm.com)   The General motors management team has established a net working program for hiring new employees so as to facilitate manufacturing and marketing of heir automobiles.   The corporation has also expanded an initiative known as jumpstart in Mexico whose main goals are to indoctrinate those who have been newly hired into the corporations’ culture and to give them a chance of meeting employees in other parts of the corporation so as to get exposed to the corporations’ business leaders (Cray Chrome, 1980).   This ensures smooth running of the business activities since high employee relation is established and maintained. General motors operations on the host country, Mexico, has some comparative advantages. Compared to the US, labor costs in Mexico are much lower and therefore General Motors Corporation stands a good chance in Mexico as opposed to US since it cheaply obtain its parts production. At the same time General Motors Corporation in Mexico does not encounter stiff competition for skills and technology from many automobile companies than it could encounter in the US (Maurice, 1995). This is well explained by the fact that US is believed to gain those jobs that require high skills and technology as it trades with Mexico.   This indicates that most of the scientists and engineers who have the required skills and technology secure jobs in the General motors corporation (Lance Ian 1998). Since it is a well paying and established compensations compared to any other automobile corporation in the country. The environmental issues that prevailed during the on set of the General Motors Corporation in Mexico such as rising costs of health care as well as pension costs really affected rapid growth of the company. General motors however, have worked on these issues through working extensively with the Workers Union on ways for trimming down the health   care costs for the workers their families as well as the retirees (http:delphi.com/about/social/) Although General Motors Corporation in Mexico was well established, it also faced stiff and competitive pressure form the other automobile companies.   This could lead to lower sales than expected by the management and overall economic strain to the company. However, General Motors Company have embarked on innovation ever since and it has expanded computer as well as electronic content on their vehicles (Lorean John, 1980).   It has also extended its recruitment to cover most technologically advanced countries like China, Europe and India hence acquiring high skilled scientists and engineers. There is also the issue of globalization that entirely has benefited the General Motors Corporation.   It has been much easier for the company to get access to the technology that is being developed around the world (Jagdish, 2004). In Defense of Globalization.Oxford University Press.   The different scientists and engineers recruited by the General Motors from diverse cultures influence the culture of the host country, Mexico. The stiff competition brought in by globalization has also made it difficult for the Mexico-based automobile companies to compete in the market especially the small companies (Frederick, 1947) Resolving these issues has serious financial commitment and long-term expenses especially when the high skilled scientists and engineers demand for better salaries. The Acme motors should put in place strong criteria upon which its workers are hired or employed so as to improve and maintain supply of high quality automobiles to its clients. The workers should be able to conduct thorough research and be technologically innovative so as to enable Acme motors compete sufficiently in the global market. References. Cray, E. Chrome C. (1980). General Motors and Its Time. New York: McGraw-Hill. Cray, E. Chrome C. (1980).A History of General Motors. New York: Smithmark   De Lorean John Z. (1980).On a Clear Day You Can See General Motors. London: Sidgwick and Jackson. David M. (2003).What the Market Does to People: Privatization, Globalization, and Poverty.   Clarity Press. Frederick H. (1947). Patterns of Union-Management Relations: United Automobile Workers (CIO), General Motors.Science Research Associates. Jagdish B. (2004). In Defense of Globalization.Oxford. University Press. Maurice E. (1995).Electronic Technology, Corporate Strategy, and World Transformation.Quorum Books. Lance D. Ian M. (1998).Biographical Dictionary of the History of Technology.  Ã‚   Routledge. Retrieved on 24th 2008, from http://www.gm.com Retrieved on 24th January 2008 Retrieved on 24th January 2008, from http://delphi.com/about/social/ How to cite Running Head: Multinational Corporation, Essay examples

Friday, May 1, 2020

Innovation Management Toshiba - Sony and Dyesol

Question: How the organizations are managing innovations in this competitive world to satisfy their potential customers and also sustain them? Answer: Introduction The purpose of this research is to understand how the organizations are managing innovations in this competitive world to satisfy their potential customers and also sustain them. This research would focus on the significance of dominant design and how the Sony has succeeded in its dominant design. It would also determine the factors that have been helping Sony to succeed in this competitive world through their dominant design for movie producers, retailers and customers (Cherkasky, 2004). Like other organizations, Sony also faced a competitive dynamic in the market of DVD players or the disk market. Sony was quite aware of the emergence of video standards thus to support the rising demand it started focusing on the key production film studios and also video retailers. The success of Sony was totally dependent on the ecosystem partners. Sony clearly understood the fact that Blu-Ray discs and HD DVDs are not compatible to each other and in this helped Sony to meet the demand for high d efinition video content (globalens.com, 2009). Further, Sony mainly focused on the advantages of Blu-Ray and started giving this innovation in its PlayStation 3 system and sold PS3 at the cost of $200 per unit to capture the market. This shows that factors, distinct features for capturing the niche market, developing their own installed bases, environmental factors that govern the ability of Sony for capturing the market also helped to innovate such strategies and also persistence support for enhancing the dominant design chances has supported Sony to develop dominant design (Vries, Ruijter and Argam, 2009). Analysis Of Case Study Bluà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Ray Versus Hdà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Dvd A dominant design is not necessarily a technological factor or particularly meets the needs of the customers. The dominant design process is thus observed as a black box process that includes the interaction of both the technological and non-technological factors. According to Sahal (1985), Abernathy (1978) and Utterback and Abernathy (1975), the dominant design can be defined as a single architecture that would help to acquire the dominance in the product market while Christensen broadly defines dominant design as the concept of defining the product components and also interaction between each products. Between the years, 2003 to 2008, both Sony and Toshiba had faced war against high stakes for having control over the video format for the next generation (Argyres, Bigelow and Nickerson, 2011). The technology of Sony called the Blue-Ray had been supported by the Hitachi, Matsushita and Philips while the technology of Toshiba named HD-DVD had been supported by DVD forum making it as o fficial successor. Movie producers, retailers and consumers all grumbled at the war taking place between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. Thus, it is very important to analyze the factors that influence the consumers, retailers and movie-producers with regards to HD-DVD and Blu-Rays. All the three parties in this case have different motives to choose either HD-DVD or Blu-Rays (Kiss, 2008). According to the dominant design of Abernathy-Utterback Model, the dominant design development passes through three different phases, first is the fluid phase, transition phase and specific phases. In fluid phase an organization can use two different strategies one is the stabling new product by outmaneuvering the competitors in the market as dominant design or directly taking control over the assets that are complementary and making it as a dominant design. Then, the transition phase that organizations can utilize various strategies that help to consolidate positioning of the product and also start increasing the process innovation and also production capacity. Lastly, the specific phase is the phase, where the organization is quite clear with the market segments to be targeted for dominant design. Here they focus on manufacturing by using high skilled laborers and also specialized equipment (AKIIKE, 2013). However, in order to carry out the process effectively right from technological impact on the processes and products of the market to the strategic decision of the organization, there are various factors like stakeholder factors (regulator, previous and current installed base), mechanism (increasing return through information, network externalities), design features (flexibility, technological superiority and compatibility) that has to be taken care while implementing the dominant design (Van de Kaa et al. 2007). Further, according to the model of Klepper, the same different pattern of density, exit and entry should be determined by the organization to get high returns to scale. As p er this model, the early entrants receive high insuperable cost advantages compared to later entrants in the industry due to the process of cost-reduction and high returns on investment in the industry. Therefore, as the organization grows, the cost gap between the later entrants and the early entrants will also grow larger, making the later entrants to exit. Therefore, based on the above theory, the factors influencing the consumers, retailers and the movie producers are discussed below: Consumers In order to support either the HD-DVD or the Blu-Ray depends on the technical differences, installed base size, complementary goods, brand loyalty and also movie preferences. The customers segment can be divided in two types one is the early adopter and another is the majority. The early adopters are those groups who show interest towards the technology and focus on doing research to know about the products. The consumers also focus on the complementary goods which mean the number of movies that one of the standards releases (Gallagher, 2007). Consumers who are movie lovers would prefer the standard that would release the highest number of movies. Those who are loyal towards Sony would buy Blu-Ray and those who are loyal towards Toshiba who prefer the brand Toshiba. However, the majority group might base their decision by focusing on the size of the installed base and also the complementary goods. When Sony reached these formats, this became the dominant design for Sony. T o promote this formats, Sony incorporated the Blu-Ray device in their Playstation 3. In 2006, Sony sold around 10.5million Blu-Ray machines; however, Toshiba sold only 1million HD DVD machines. Further, consumers also focus on brand (KAGEYAMA, 2008). Retailers- When Toshiba also started offering HD-DVD as an optional drive for Xbox 360 of Microsoft; Time Warner announced that the standards of Blu Rays will now be defecting. However, the retailers like Netfix, Walmart and Best Buy announced that they would exclusively keep the stock of Bly-Rays DVDs which became devastating for Toshiba. The factors that might have influenced their decision could be to avoid the again a new technological war, that they faced with Betamax and JVCs VHS video standards (Gardner, Beckstoffer and Apostolatos, 2012). Further, from the previous war they got stuck with some unwanted inventory. Thus, this time, they wanted to avoid the inventory issue, so they wanted to pick up a winner in the market. They feared the costly and lengthy battle, so they wanted to come up with the players that would be well-suited with both the standards. Movie Producers- Through, Blu-Ray standards, Sony persuaded the big film studios. 20th Century Fox and Walt-Disney joined Sony Pictures for supporting Blu-Ray. Further, Blockbuster also decided to go with Blu-Ray. The reason behind such decisions can be that they wanted to follow with the decisions taken by the retailers and the consumers as they wanted the retailers to sell the Blu-Ray DVDs and also wanted the consumers to accept the movies (News.bbc.co.uk, 2008). Further, the unique features of Sony Blu-Rays compared to Toshiba HD-DVD have some great benefits for the film producers. Sony offered 50GB storage capacity in double layer while Toshiba offered only 30GB max. Further, the maximum Bitrate for raw data provided by Sony was 53.95Mbit/s while Toshiba provided 36.55Mbit/s. Similarly, maximum Bitrate for both Audio and Video was 48Mbit/s and 30.24 Mbit/s provided by Sony and Toshiba respectively. The timing for SD Video Playback with MPEG2 at 5Mbits/s was 22.2hours for Sony Blu -Ray and 13.3hours for Toshiba HD-DVD (Diffen.com, n.d.). Thus, in all way Sony had provided better features to the film studios. Analysis Of Case Study Dyesol Dyesol had invented an innovative product which was a thin-film, low cost solar cell that could help to produce electricity from sunlight. Their main idea was to generate electricity similar the way plants do through photosynthesis, then that could be made into sturdy panel which can be included in building materials. However, they lacked in financial capital for inventing such an innovative product. So, they decided to enter into collaboration with multi-agencies like Tata Steel and Pilkington. Tata Steel was the 5th largest maker of steel with 26million USD revenue in the year 2011. It was the subsidiary of TATA Group. The reason behind the partnership with Tata Group was that it would help Dyesol to have access to the capital and also its manufacturing expertise. Through this partnership, Dyesol thought that it would also help them to raise DSC technology awareness and also give the opportunity of promoting their technology across various different international markets. Similarly, they also decided to form collaboration with Pilkington, which was a multinational manufacturer of glass having, 373 million USD revenue in the year 2011. It mainly manufactured high quality flat glass made up of floating molten glass over molten tin. This partnership helped Dyesol to use the DSC coating on the architectural glasses for developing products made up of sheet glasses. Then, they can market this product to the customers who are interested in consuming the solar energy. In this way, Dyesol decided to carry out various positive connotations that would help their customers to embrace interests, purposes, aspirations and investments. If conceptually demonstrated, there are three different forms of partnerships one is implementing partnership that mainly focused on the beneficial and pragmatic projects, next is the coordinating partnership that mainly emphasized on implementing better policy and management based on priorities that was already agreed and lastly facilitating partnership that helps to manage strategic issues related to policies and also long-standing issues. Through, this concept, it is clear that Dyesol emphasized on implementing partnership with Tata Steel and Pilkington (Hunter and Perkins, 2014). However, collaboration with external partners points to various advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: This partnership based approach of Dyesol with Tata Steel and Pilkington would help the organization to deal with the labor and the social market exclusion in various ways like (Pride, Hughes and Kapoor, 2014): Responsive and Flexible policy solutions As Dyesol, has planned to innovate a new device, there is need of new employees with the knowledge of latest technology or service providers who can solve the problems. This process incurs cost. However, Dyesol does not have enough capital to even launch that product. Thus, partnership with TataSteel and Pilkington would help to tackle such situation as they are already best manufacturing organizations with large number of expertise who can solve their issues. Facilitating evaluation and innovation Partnership with Tata Steel and Pilkington increases the scope of Dyesol to test innovative and new approaches that would help them to overcome the difficult situation. This partnership approach produces a greater dynamism by sharing risks, practice, expertise and ideas. This allows Dyesol to test the approaches of both partners and also withdraw in difficult situations. This approach actually encourages promoting new innovations and experimentation. Sharing resources, knowledge and expertise This partnership approach helps Dyesol in defining and sharing the expertise, knowledge and skills that would increase the efficiency, quality and appropriateness. By engaging with the external partners like Tata Steel and Pilkington can help the organization to increase quality, diversity and reach through their expertise. Development of Coherent Service Working with external partners will make sure that the policy initiatives are aligned with the objectives of the organization. The integration of proper policies along with the external partners helps to ensure that demand side and supply side of the labor market and also try to compliment with each other. Capacity Building Partnering with the external partners, can help Dyesol to develop good community capacity and also engender the sense of ownership of community. This process offers new opportunities and also helps to meet the concerns. Further, this process also helps to have access to stable and long-term funding. Disadvantages (Pride, Hughes and Kapoor, 2013): Conflict over objectives and goals If the external partners are not clear about the idea behind the innovation of Dyesol, then it might cause failure in partnership due to inability to coordinate and also misunderstanding of the objectives. At the operational level, it is quite difficult to gain commitment and also engage the external partners due to some localized problems, inflexibilities and organizational barriers. For instance, in understanding the goals of Dyesol, there is need of both time and effort that both the organizations might not be able to provide due to their own objectives and goals. Impact upon other services Partnership approach can be observed as an alternative for re-aligning the key services that would help to deal with specific issues. Due to integration and scale of mainstream services, there is a high impact on the long-term services. Partnership can draw resources from typical services or confuse users mind for reducing the effectiveness of the organization. For instance, the chemical group of Tata learns to reserve the engineers of Dyesol which can later on become a strong competitor. Conclusion In conclusion, this report focuses on how the organization Toshiba, Sony and Dyesol manages innovations, what are the challenges they face while implementing the innovations through two different case studies. In the war between the two formats, Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, Sony was ultimately the winner. The Blu-Ray format had various advanatgaes over HD DVD due to its superior technological features. Thus, the key industry players like Dell Computer, 20th Century Fox, Disney etc. Sony was quite aware of the issue that happened in the war between Betamax and VHS, thus, they did not wanted to repeat the same history, so Sony evaluated the preferences of its stakeholders and had incorporated the preferences in Blu-Ray formats. The unique features provided by Blu-Ray had helped Sony to capture the market. There are various factors that influence the decision of consumers, retailers and movie producers. The factors that influence the decision of consumers are the technical differences, installed base size, complementary goods, brand loyalty and also movie preferences, for retailers, avoidance of inventory issues and also to avoid the standard wars and lastly, the factors influencing the movie producer s are unique features and also decisions taken by the consumers and retailers. Similarly, from the case of Dyesol it is quite clear that partnership approach would help the Dyesol to meet the objective clearly. However, to reduce the affect of the disadvantages of this approach it is to be noted that the collaboration with the external partners should be in proper place. This would help to meet the objectives of the Dyesol through collaborative relationship. Through selective alternative choices with the partners, Dyesol need to establish a proper monitoring system that would help them to monitor the actions of their partners and also make an evaluation system which would give the opportunity to manage and evaluate the changes and progress. Further, the external partners also need to make sure that they have new competencies and technological advances that would help Dyesol to meet the objective of innovating thin-film, low cost solar cell and also make a good strategic fit and also resource fit. References AKIIKE, A. (2013). 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